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Toni Bou


Today I would like to win, even though it was an easy trial. I wanted to win every race this National season and we have achieved it. It has been complicated, because the race has been very disputed, but in the end we did a perfect championship, winning all races. We have test some new things in the race that have gone very well; I am very grateful to the team that has worked hard to make this possible.

Jaime Busto


It has been a very easy trial. I made two serious mistakes and it was impossible to fix; I think it has hurt me a lot like this, where you can not mark the differences or recover the errors.

CET 2016
Trial Round CET6 , Trial 1   Antas

Clasificación Trial de Antas 2016

Pos. Rider Num Nation L1 L2 L3 T3 Team Constructor Points
1 Bou Toni 1 SPA 1 1 Repsol Honda HRC Montesa 2
2 Cabestany Albert 4 SPA 0 2 Sherco Factory Team Sherco 2
3 Fajardo Jeroni 3 SPA 0 5 Vertigo Factory Team Vertigo 5
4 Casales Jorge 6 SPA 4 1 Beta Factory Racing Beta 5
5 Raga Adam 2 SPA 7 1 TRRS Factory Team TRRS 8
6 Gelabert Miquel 7 SPA 9 2 Sherco Sherco 11
7 Farre Arnau 19 SPA 8 3 Gas Gas Factory Team Gas Gas 11
8 Busto Jaime 5 SPA 8 8 Repsol Honda HRC Montesa 16
9 Noguera Oriol 8 SPA 21 11 MRW Limit Motos Montesa Montesa 32
10 Riba Marc 15 SPA 40 18 Gas Gas Gas Gas 58
Location Information

Antas, España - View in Google Maps